Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'm a female seeking a male or female...


I've been reading Bacon & Lettuce part deux quite religously recently, really enjoying their anecdote's about Lettuce's hotwifing. I've found it quite interesting really. Horner and I have talked about cuckholding very seriously in the past couple of weeks, it would be fun to cuckold the man, especially seeing as I've locked him up. I've had a fantasy recently of having him locked & tied up to a chair while I fuck a guy I've picked up somewhere right in front of him. Now I'm not one for fantasies. My last fantasy was sort of a 'wet dream' for me. I dreamt I was being fucked by a gorgeous blonde girl, and myself reciprocating the favour. Man I still haven't done that yet.. Another on my to do list!

This evening Horner gave me the OK to start 'hotgirlfriending' (because I'm not yet married to him!). I'm not ready to jump just straight into it like he said I could, I still need to talk to him about it more. See what's ok, what's not. I've pretty much got around my head that it's just sex, we both understand that. Horner is the only man that I have been with sexually, and I am the only woman he has been with. So this will be very interesting to be able to broaden my horizons. I may be able to bring home a few tricks fo him to be able to make me cum harder ;). It's just going to have to be a case of 'wait and see'.

I'm that excited I'm wet... And I really wish Mr. Horner was here to use me.


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere! :-)

    Glad to know you're enjoying our blog...and thanks for the mention. I'm looking forward to reading about your own new experiences. ;-)

  2. We've got something special on the cards...

    We'll post shortly about it.

  3. Hey!

    Thanks Bacon!

    You have one seriously cool blog!

    Yes, definately new experiences. But we've got some pretty epic ones happening =]
